Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Steamboat Days 08 - Part 2

Cotter High School's Mark Brown, 16, plays the tuba in the marching band as they make their way down Broadway on Sunday during the Grand Parade as part of Winona's Steamboat Days. (photo by Katie Derus/Winona Daily News)Eight clydesdales make their way down Broadway during the Grand Parade on Sunday in Winona. (photo by Katie Derus/Winona Daily News)Cousins Jarin Hanson, 4, left, and Nikolas Hasan, 6, watch in awe as the Osman Mighty Mites zoom around Broadway in minature cars during the Grand Parade on Sunday in Winona. (photo by Katie Derus/Winona Daily News)
Beth Chick, left center, and her five grand-daughters, from left, Emma, 7, Mckenna, 4, Anisa, 12, Madelyn, 9, and Kaylee, 8, huddle under a blanket to escape the rain Sunday as they watch the Grand Parade on Broadway in Winona. (photo by Katie Derus/Winona Daily News)
Fireworks light up the sky over the Mississippi River in Winona on Sunday night at the close of the 2008 Steamboat Days. (Katie Derus/Winona Daily News)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Steamboat Days 08 - part 1

Children clap and dance along as Bob and the Beachcombers perform a Children's Concert Friday at the Bandshell in Winona's Lake Park. (photo by Katie Derus/Winona Daily News)
Children wave to Sparky, Winona's Fire and Rescue mascot, Friday during the Kiddie Parade in Winona's Lake Park. (photo by Katie Derus/Winona Daily News)
Runners take off from the start of the BK5K Saturday morning at Lake Winona. (photo by Katie Derus/Winona Daily News)
David "The Cannonball" Smith is launched out of an 80-foot cannon Friday at Steamboat Days. Smith flew 150 feet and landed in a safety net on the other side of the ferris wheel. (photo by Katie Derus/Winona Daily News)
Visitors stroll through Sharon Kaczorowski's garden at her Wabasha Street home on Saturday during the 12th annual Tour of Gardens. The event was sponsored by the Women's Resource Center and featured six gardens in all. (photo by Katie Derus/Winona Daily News)

Winona Sunsets

After sundown over the Mississippi River near Levee Park and the Interstate Bridge in Winona, Minn.
Sunset from the bluffs in Winona.

Interstate Bridge Closing

MnDot crews erect barricades as the last cars from Wisconsin cross the Interstate Bridge at Winona Tuesday night. MnDot Commissioner Tom Sorel ordered the brdige closed at 8:00 p.m. based on results of an inspection conducted Monday and Tuesday. Sorel said the main channel span of the bridge would remain closed indefinitely while inspection results are analyzed. (photo by Katie Derus/Winona Daily News)A Minnesota state trooper directs the traffic waiting to cross the newly opened Interstate Bridge on Saturday morning in Winona, as the first cars and pickups cross over from Wisconsin since June 3. (photo by Katie Derus/Winona Daily News)A steady stream of cars and pickups cross the Interstate Bridge to and from Wisconsin on Saturday morning in Winona. Constant traffic continued for nearly 20 minutes after the bridge re-opened. (photo by Katie Derus/Winona Daily News)Elle Engel, 2, left, and her mother Dana ride the Mississippi Explorer ferry Wednesday from Winona to Latsch Island. For the nearly two weeks the Interstate Bridge connecting Winona, Minn., to Wisconsin was closed, commuters had to use two different ferries to cross the Mississippi River. (photo by Katie Derus/Winona Daily News)

Cars wait in a line stretching two blocks down Fourth Street on Saturday morning in Winona just minutes before the Interstate Bridge was re-opened to traffic crossing. (photo by Katie Derus/Winona Daily News)

Dakota Homecoming 2008

Lyric Mueske, 10, entertains 15-month-old Saleen Meffert Saturday at the Great Dakota Gathering and Homecoming in Winona's East Lake Park. (photo by Katie Derus/Winona Daily News)
Katie Clemons, 4, left, and Ann Marie Donahue, 5, keep a safe distance from Harriet the bald eagle Saturday during the Great Dakota Gathering and Homecoming in Winona's East Lake Park. (photo by Katie Derus/Winona Daily News)Drummers from Santee, Neb., perform Saturday as traditional dancers participate in the Grand Entry at the Great Dakota Gathering and Homecoming in Winona's East Lake Park. (photo by Katie Derus/Winona Daily News)
Pat Rosebear organizes a tray of hand-made beaded jewlery Friday as she prepares for this weekend's Great Dakota Gathering and Homecoming festivities in Winona. (photo by Katie Derus/Winona Daily News)
Michael Weddell, a men's traditional dancer, participates in the Grand Entry Saturday at the Great Dakota Gathering and Homecoming in Winona's East Lake Park. (photo by Katie Derus/Winona Daily News)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Slip n Slide!!!

Storms Storms and More Storms

The sun sets over Winona after severe storms rolled through all day creating tornadoes, flooding, and lots of thunder and lightning. Sure was pretty though :)